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Comments (6)

Mazuera - 27 February 15:33

Arrete sur photos, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici rien penser, conseiller aujourd’hui rencontrer et passer un moment inoubliable, et la belette toi nomination.

Hank - 23 February 11:03

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Kunsch - 11 June 10:37

My sex ed was the very piratical how to make/not make babies kind. So it didn't really talk about OTHER sexual things that are fun.В I don't think this is really good or bad, BUT I was VERY confused about why condoms were flavored. I understood them, understood completely what they were for as far as STI's and Pregnancy. В but didn't understand WHY you would want to flavor it. :P (I remember coming home from school and being in the car asking my mom why condoms were flavored and her face. he he)

Waybill - 17 June 09:16

No, if you have a disorder you should fix it. If you don't have a disorder then there's nothing to fix. It's not how you view it, it's how you're made.

Bottiggi - 12 November 18:43

He payed for the two chics, that are just to poor whores doing it for money and they are bored and annoyed as hell...very lousy video. Very nerd russian fat jerk fucking them.

Sweatmon - 18 September 19:53

I am a student at an art school, I will be your illustrator! Im cheaper than actual professions! :P