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Comments (3)

Jared - 9 December 08:45

Suavite, j’adore son corps. Prends mon telephone et venir, caresse ma chatte together, mais l’un comme triste.

Domingo - 23 January 17:27

Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée.

Pasho - 1 November 06:52

What's her name?

Fermin - 6 November 22:01

So what's the best starter sex toy for a female?

Tonja - 6 November 23:30

A horny woman. A throbbing cunt. Come on, Mr. Oblivious, get a clue.

Domingo - 4 February 18:21

I hope people aren't trying to compare Sexplanations to Sex because they're totally different shows but both are amazing and very informative! Lindsey and Laci are the best :)

Terrence - 27 February 20:49