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Comments (3)

Polski - 2 October 14:20

Veux heureux passer loisirs l’entreprise attrayant beaute. Je suis heureux de pret vous aider detendre.

Lavera - 23 October 02:10

Le président ivoirien entend utiliser la date symbolique pour mettre en avant.

Mcdermott - 20 March 05:25

Those tits would look even better with a thick coating of spunk, preferably mine!

Wozney - 14 June 04:32

My GF and I skinny in her pool with her husband. He likes for us to jack him off. Problem is, he always wants me to finish him off and it's kind of embarrassing.

Max - 6 December 09:08

She is already pregnant, too late for that condom

Lingren - 10 October 23:48

I predict many more babies

Sottosanti - 2 January 12:26

None of the three devices (Mogen clamp, Gomco clamp, or Plastibell actually do the inital separation of the foreskin from the penis. That has to be done first to allow the device to be fitted at all. It's usually done by twirling a blunt probe inside the foreskin. Imagine a blunt probe being put under your fingernail to separate it from the nail bed.