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Comments (4)

Sporich - 22 May 09:25

Aime, aime sa chatte. Appeler, passer des heures alone, et moi ennuyeux.

Admin - 2 October 22:38

Au Felina Barcelona , nous faisons tout notre possible pour protéger la vie privée de nos clients et leur garantir de la discrétion.

Fidel - 23 June 06:10

Also, this is a side note, but why is pedophilia automatically tied to suffering (sadism?)? It's about being attracted to pre-pubescent individuals, and, as I understand the term, nothing else.

Maple - 23 June 19:24

Is a little racism really so bad?

Kathy - 12 August 15:19

The bracelet cuffs look really cute! I tried using other bondage cuffs as an accessory but my wrists are too small and the cuffs were bulky so they were more of a burden than a statement.

Candie - 12 April 03:04

24: Redhead is Ariel, aka Piperfawn and many other names. Isn' t it amazing how different we all are? No. 12: The babe is standing fifth from the left! Anybody? Precious Stalfra( Venus), 24 Ariel Chikita Melissa